Monday: Off
Tuesday: 12 miles (Very Hilly)
Wednesday: 11 miles (Flat and Fast)
Thursday: 10 miles (Flat and Fast)
Friday: 8 miles (Hilly Arboretum Loops)
Saturday: 10 miles (Rolling Hills)
Sunday: 20 miles (Coopers Rock Trails)
Total: 70 Miles
The weather was great for all of the runs. I was able to run with Josh on Thursday morning, which made it go by a lot faster than my usual Thursday morning runs. Hopefully we can get together for more in the future. It works out well for me to run with Josh on his easy days because it forces me to pick of the pace on some of my runs (his easy days are my hard days!).
After my hard effort on both Wednesday and Thursday, my SI joint was killing me. I decided to go see a chiropractor (Dr. Gambino in Clarksburg). He had stopped in for shoes last fall and I had been meaning to stop in and see him. Now I had no choice and boy am I sure glad I did. He was nice enough to fit me in that day and get me adjusted after the initial check up. I felt a little weird the rest of the day but the next day I felt great. No more pain at all. It was like he pushed a reset button for my entire body. I felt great on all of my runs the rest of the week and even felt great on my 20 miler. I would defiantly recommend Dr. Gambino to anyone.
Sunday was an awesome run on the trails at Coopers Rock with Erin. I was able to go shirtless which felt great (although I got a little burnt by the end). I also felt like I could still keep going for another couple of hours. My strength is really coming along and I feel I am at a new level I have never been before. I am getting so anxious about my upcoming trial races. I can’t wait to see how I will do!

Come back, come back! Spring is gone. It's been a while!!