Today is Ellie’s birthday! I can’t believe it has been two years already. She is growing up so fast!!
Things have been going very well with my training for the half-marathon. I was able to get in a fartlek last Wednesday and a 6 mile tempo run on Saturday followed by a 14 mile run on Sunday. I took yesterday off and felt great on my 8 mile run this morning. I am defiantly starting to feel a lot stronger than I have in a long time. I am planning on doing some hill repeats tomorrow and probably some sort of interval work on Saturday followed by a 15 mile run on Sunday. I am also probably going to do the Alpha Phi Race for Your Heart 10K on October 4th to get a better idea of a goal pace for the half. If I can just stay healthy I think I will be able to run a good race on November 1st.
I have also been thinking about my running future a lot lately. I have started to become intrigued by the idea of ultra-trail races. I am really starting to feel like I need a break from road racing and I think this may be the direction I go next year. I feel like I need to challenge myself in a new way rather than just how fast I can go over the same road distances. It feels like I have been doing this forever. Unfortunately, I know nothing about ultra-trail running (gear, shoes, training, etc.)! I have done a lot of trail running, especially when we were out in Colorado but have never really taken it that seriously. Anyway, I am getting excited about the thought of doing some races and would love to hear some feedback from anyone who knows what they are doing and could guide me along the way.
Cardinals 2017 다시 영화보기 영화 짱
6 years ago
New post please!