Things have been going well lately and I finally feel like my running is back on track. All of my training runs and speed workouts have been going great. I'm feeling really strong and have been able to push myself to a new level. I don't think I have felt this good since my junior year in college so I am looking forward to getting out and testing my self at a 5K sometime soon.
Here is my tentative fall race schedule (permitting that the store allows me to do so)
-A couple local 5K's in August/September
-City of Pittsburgh Great Race September 27th
-Spirit of Pittsburgh 1/2 Marathon November 1st
Erin and I made it up to Morgantown on Sunday for an easy 10 miles on the Deckers Creek Trail. It was nice to see some familiar faces out on the run. We are really looking forward to moving to Morgantown soon!
Cardinals 2017 다시 영화보기 영화 짱
6 years ago