Monday, August 31, 2009

A Great Sunday

The day started out with an early morning long run. Josh had invited me to come and run with his group which was awesome. He even picked a good location for Erin to come along and run with Ellie in the jogging stroller. It was the first time I had ran with a group of people other than Erin since college (about 4 years). It was a beautiful run on the rail trail along Cheat lake. The weather was a perfect 60-65° with an even cooler breeze blowing in off the lake. I started out the run with Josh, Travis and Kate and went for about 9 miles with them. The time seemed to fly by having others to talk to and run with. After a quick bathroom break I decided to finish up the last 4 miles of the run with Erin. Even though I was having a great time with the others, I still missed getting to run with Erin and Ellie. It is just a great way to spend family time even thought Ellie was sleeping most of the way. Thanks again to Josh, Travis and Kate for allowing me to tag along on the long run. It was a great change of pace (literally and figuratively) for me!

After the run, we were both starving so we grabbed some quick showers and stuffed ourselves for lunch. Then one of the rarest occurrences happened. Ellie was actually tired for once and allowed Erin and I to take a nap with her. It was one of the best naps ever! Almost 2 hours!!
The rest of the afternoon was filled with relaxing/playing with Ellie, grocery shopping and playing at the park with Ellie. It was funny to watch as Ellie got braver and braver as she would go higher on the swing as well as going down the biggest slide all by herself. She is growing up so fast!

It was such a great Sunday and just what Erin and I both needed. Things have been so crazy lately with starting up the business that we really just needed a day to relax and spend quality time with Ellie.

We have also made a small change in our fall racing schedule as we have decided to run the Marshall University Half Marathon instead of the Spirit of Pittsburgh Half Marathon. It is on the same weekend, just a different location. We will both also be racing this weekend in Ohio and will have a complete recap after the race.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Long Time No See

Yes, I know, I have really slacked off when it comes to keeping up with my blog. It’s only been what…6 weeks…that’s not too long…right? Anyway, I will try to keep up with my “once a week posting” that I originally promised. Erin keeps getting on me about posting something but my life just does not seem as exciting as hers. She always has good stories to tell (and she has all of the good pictures that she never sends to me) over there at mommyrunning101.

Things are going great at the store. It is doing even better than I could have ever imagined. I just wish that I had the chance to work there full time. Then it would be a real dream come true; working at my own running store with my wife and daughter. That would be awesome. But for now, we have to have health insurance so I will continue on.

Running has been going well. When things started to pick up with finalizing the shop my running began to fall to the side. I finished my 5k training plan but never made it to a race. I decided to just skip right to training for the Spirit of Pittsburg Half Marathon on November 1st. I have been feeling well and it is a lot easier to get in the mileage now that we live in Morgantown and I don’t have to drive 50 min. to get into work. I was able to get in 55 miles last week and hope to be right around the same this week.

All and all, things have been going well. I really can’t complain. I will try to keep up with my posts this time…I promise…maybe.