Things have been crazy lately and I think I am starting to feel the effects. Here is an example of what my days have looked like as of late:
6:30 AM: Wake up and go run.
7:45 AM: Get home, cool down and play with Ellie a little.
7:55 AM: Shower.
8:15 AM: Drive to work.
9:00 AM: Arrive at work.
9:00-5:00: Work in the lab and work on running shop things in my free time.
5:00 PM: Get off work.
5:45 PM: Arrive at home.
6:00 PM: Eat Dinner.
6:30 PM: Walk around the neighbor hood with Erin, Ellie and Gabbie(dog).
7:30 PM: Help with Ellie's bath.
8:00 PM: Put Ellie to sleep (this takes about 20-30min!)
8:30-10:30PM: Hang out with Erin/Work on running shop things.
10:45/11:00 PM: SLEEP!!
Even the sleep part has been tiring lately since Ellie refuses to sleep in her own bed or even sleep at all anymore. I usually receive a few screams in the ear or a few drop kicks to the face throughout the night.
My brain is dead from trying to figure out all of the orders for the new store. It is like trying to tell the future. You have to pick what you think other people will like or want. It just sends your head spinning.
My legs have been drained from the training plan that I am on right now. I find it hard to motivate myself to get out and run a lot of the time. I really miss having someone to train with like back in college and in high school. I have only run with someone else twice (other than Erin) since I graduated from college back in 2006. It is hard to get out by yourself and get a good workout in when you are already tired and you have to do one of the same 3 runs everyday (we live in Grafton right now and there is not much to chose from...I can't wait to move to Morgantown!)
Anyway...enough of my complaining!! Things are going well with the shop. We hav